Case Study: CIPO
As CIPO pivoted its Patent eServices in order to respond to COVID pressures, they've engaged Ampli2de™ to assist in setting up a service experience design team focused on the department's modernization planning horizon. We took the lead of the Patent Strategic Discovery initiative - a multidiscplinary collaboration among design, business analysis, policy, lines of business and IT - and worked closely with CIPO internal and external users to capture the many different, nuanced needs required to inform the modernization of CIPO's services and IT systems.
Ampli2de™ contributed to the shift in CIPO’s strategic planning approach from using exclusively public opinion research to adopting an evidence-based decision making and prioritization process based on user research, service prototyping and co-creation with end-users. As a result, CIPO has embraced the generative research methods (interviews, persona workshops, contextual inquiries, job shadowing) we've introduced and has used those insights to inform the design phase of its next-generation patent and trademark services.
Instead of validating designs through surveys and show-and-tell booths showing static images, CIPO has embraced co-creation, validation, and usability testing of interactive prototypes as the primary way of validating hypotheses and measuring product and service design improvements.
- Service Design Process
- Service Design Roadmap
- Service Design Training Sessions
- External User Research
- Internal User Research
- Internal Patent Personas
- External Patent Personas
- Patents Service Catalogues
- TM Service Catalogues
- Industrial Design Service Catalogues
- Canadian IP Ecosystem Map
- Patents Service Blueprint
- Patents / TM UX Design
- Trademark Search Prototype
- CIPO Design System
- Co-creation / Validation Reports
- Usability Testing Reports
- Patent Paper Certificate Design
- Patent eCertificate Design

We planned, recruited for, and conducted 112 interviews with patent agents, clerks, pantent operations managers, patent examiners, classifiers, operations analysts, patents appeal board members, finance clerks, etc.
At the conclusion of our research, we created a persona family consisting of 23 external and internal persona profiles, corresponding to the archetypes of patent agent firm and CIPO employees involved in the patent lifecycle.
In order to visualize our hypotheses, the team has built a variety of interactive prototypes for patent and trademark services in Axure RP, Adobe XD and Figma.
In order to understand the current state of affairs, our team has co-facilitated the creation of service catalogues corresponding to every type of services available at CIPO.
We've had the opportunity to redesign the entire set of paper and digital certificates offered by CIPO, including matching cover pages and envelope sleeves.
The future state Patents service blueprint (shown above) is a key interdisciplinary artifact that ensures that everyone working on the next generation of patent services understands the end goal.
Our team co/facilitated a variety of co-creation and validation workshops, service design process workshops, ideation workshops, and persona validation workshops that were instrumental in the service redesign process.
From service design methodology, to introductions to user research and user experience design, Ampli2de™ has trained CIPO management and CIPO service design team members on the approaches that were undertaken in the project.
We planned, helped recruit, trained and led a mighty team of 3 service designers and researchers, alongside other CIPO internal disciplines.

Design Discovery
Product Ideation
Product Management
Team Management
Ecosystem Mapping
Experience Mapping
Journey Mapping
Service Blueprinting
User Research
Competitive Research
Usability Testing
Information Architecture
Interaction Design
Visual Design
Design Systems
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